whaddup nad


recently, i got my “L”…haha,baru nk bwt dh tue bangka:P

the "L" lesen

kebanyakan orang kata, “L” tue LEMBU, but no..i wnt to put tht as “LEMAH-LEMBUT” bule??


saya ada di malaysia sekarang ya!

here r some of the 1st caption of the loves one tht i captured…

nurul nasrin-comel 1

the last time i saw her,kurus..tinggi(but,xsmpai lg nk challenge her systa 🙂 ) dan GELAP!!hehehe:P

now, she is still kurus,but myb gain 1 or 2 kg..tinggi approaching my height!! whoaaaa,improvement ryte?..nnnn kurang GELAP 🙂

mohd amirul-comel 2

here is another cikedingg..last time..shorty..ade panau kt muke :)..rmbut skema

now,tinggi nmpk ye adekkk..rmbut skema still the same…n still the same sweet little “adek” voice..haha 🙂

the trio bersaudara

ha,tht one the kazen-nina :)..dh besaq..dulu kechik ja..

mohd asyraf-the one yg dh xcomel

yang ini RARE species,ssh to capture sbb xddk same ngn family..

last time,mcm kambeng..

now pun mcm kambeng..

makeover please…!!!!
